20 years ago,the restoration of the jungle law in Russia
20 years ago
the restoration of the jungle law in Russia
Friday, 19 August 2011
After a meeting in 1983 held in 10 Downing street with the Mikail Gorbatchev, then leader of the Soviet communist party, Miss(today Lady) Thatcher had said this is a man with whom we can work. The "Iron Lady" was right in her judgement on a man who was the gravedigger of the first socialist experience in the history, ended in 1991 with the collapse of the socialist regimes in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. I remember very well this day of 19 of August 1991 when for the first day of holiday in USA, I looked in the TV the footages of the drunk Boris Eltsine clinging on a tank in the middle of the Red Place in Moscow. While the drunk Boris Eltsine achieved his reactionary putsch, Mikhail Gorbatchev and his late wife, raïssa were in holiday in their Datcha on the Crimea Sea.
The reactionary putsch of the drunk Boris Eltsine made up with the imperialist powers put an end to 74 years of the first revolution in the history which had claimed that all powers should be in the hands of the oppressed and exploited layers. Since the collapse of the Soviet union and the European socialist bloc, the imperialist camp haven't missed occasion to cry victory, to put out bunting and to jubilate. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we have seen flourishing an apologetic and idyllic literature proclaiming the end of the history with the final triumph of the capitalism over the communism. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the lack of counter-weight in the international relationships, the coveted countries of the Third world, ie that having natural resources and strategical stance, become easy prey to USA and its european stall ites. For instance, the dismantlement of the federation of Yugoslavia in many ethical and religious entities, and the Nato's war against Serbia and Milosevic's regime were the logical consequence of the disappearance of a counter-weight in the international relationships and the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist regimes in eastern Europa. Afghanistan's war of 2001 and Irak's war in 2003 wouldn't possible if the Soviet Union was still alive.
Undoubtedly, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the capitalist over the world and the reactionary forces inside the capitalist states and the dominant ideology and the reformist parties have been reinvigorated and reinforced. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the triumph of the archeo liberalism as ideology in the eighties of the 20 st century and the so-called "war on the terror", an ugly story created of nothing push the political establishment and the government either in Europe or in the USA to implement reactionary policies allowing hyper- and militarization accumulation especially int the new states "liberated" from the communist "dictatorship", and the sacking of the public budgets and the strengthen of repressive policies. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the imperialist and capitalist coalition invented a new foe and a new millennial ideology based upon race and culture in order to divert to class struggle and to social contradictions, and to the poverty of the overwhelming layers of the society. The immigrant and the Muslims become the new scapegoat doomed to fill the place of the old foe, the communist depicted as a man running away with a knife within the teths. The collapse of the Soviet Union boosted massively a static vision of the world allowing the watchdogs and smug apologists for capitalism to claim that their system is the best one and represents the Everest of achievement. But these smug apologists didn't ask themselves about the impoverishment and the profits and the widening of the gap between the richest and the poorest. According to certain estimations, the c absolute poverty hits one-fifth of the world population while the fortune of the 200 richest people is larger than the combined income of the poorest 2,4 billion.
In conclusion, let'us look to Russia now after the fall of the Soviet Union and the ensuing "democratization" of the Eastern Europe. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the people of Eastern bloc lost all the gains of the Communist period and the so-called democratization transformed into impoverishment and the dismantlement of the entire structure of social welfare from which had been beneficiaries for decades. 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia become today a country resembled to a Third world country with a high rate of criminality, a high rate of, a high rate of unemployment and more than 75 millions living languishing in the poverty while there was barely under 2 millions people living under the international poverty at the time of the Soviet Union. Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and the other countries of the eastern people followed suit. This impoverishment of the people in eastern bloc is combined with the wealth concentration in few hands with the increase of the billionaires and the margin of profit for European corporations and US. According the estimation, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russa's population is on the decrease of 6 million dwellers.
Key words: Soviet Union, restoration, capitalism, poverty, eastern bloc